8 Rig Road, Chinese Village, La Brea, Trinidad and Tobago

1 868 760 5037

Beautiful makeup and high quality Photography

Beautiful makeup and high quality Photography

Beautiful makeup and high quality PhotographyBeautiful makeup and high quality Photography

Providing all Your Makeup and Photography Needs


My Background

Photography Tells a Story

The Art of Makeup

Being a  certified Makeup Artist and Photographer, a perfect combination of professional skills acquired by no means of competition but out of love, understanding and a passion to transcend my own abilities.

The Art of Makeup

Photography Tells a Story

The Art of Makeup

"Makeup is a the unveiling of the character that co-exist within you" ........ Bibi

Beauty is real, It illuminates through perfect imperfection.

Makeup is a non invasive method used to transform the physical beauty to what is pleasing to one's eye.

there is no such thing as a "bad makeup", it's a way of expression, it can tell the depth of confidence and self esteem of one's self  

Photography Tells a Story

Photography Tells a Story

Photography Tells a Story

A camera was design to take photos but it takes a good eye to capture perfect moments that last a lifetime